Thursday, March 1, 2007

Color Me Kubrick

A new film co-starring Richard E. Grant arrives in the next few weeks. Grant, prolific Mbabane native, plays a character named Jasper opposite actor John Malkovich.
Malokvich (above) plays Alan Conway in this true story about a man who pretends to be legendary film director Stanley Kubrick during the filming of Eyes Wide Shut in London. Kubrick, although exceedingly famous, is not a known face -- like Steven Speilberg. And Conway impersonates Kubrick with almost no knowledge of the director's films or personal life. Color Me Kubrick is directed by Brian Cook.
Now for the unusual distribution plan. Color Me Kubrick will open in theaters across the country on March 23 and will be shown digitally in Landmark Theaters where available. On the same night, HDNet Moview will broadcast the television premiere of Color Me Kubrick twice, at 8:05 p.m. and 11:05 p.m. EST. Magnolia Home Entertainment will release the DVD thorugh retail outlets on Tuesday, March 27, immediately following the theatrical release.

Pan Africa Film and Television Festival Update

Listen to Voice of America's report on the festival's first documentary competition.

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